The five elements theory of acupuncture poster. The wall chart list the element points (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood). All color coordinated for each of the meridians. The Back Shu, Front Mu, Source, Luo, Xi Cleft, Entry, Exit and Horary points are listed in large type for each meridian. The horary points show the time when the meridian is most active. All of these points are marked on the illustrations of the arms and legs including a table of the tonification and sedation points. The pulse diagnosis point locationsThe large font and colors make this an easy to read wall chart reference. Yin meridians "Zang organs" are in the inside of the circle, Yang meridians "Fu organs" are on the outside. For acupuncturists, practitioners trained in Touch for Health (TFH) and Applied Kinesiology (AK).
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