Acupuncture Posters and Charts

Horse Acupuncture Point Location Poster 24" X 36"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

Transpositional equine acupuncture point location poster 24" X 36". The poster show over 170 most commonly used points in horse acupuncture. Anatomical point locations with treatment indications for each point. The transpositional system is the nomenclature accepted by the International Veterinary Acupunctre Society (IVAS). Clear picture showing the muscles of the horse for easy point location.

Horse Acupuncture Poster

Horse Acupuncture Poster

Horse Acupuncture Point Location Poster 24" X 36"
(Laminated or Heavy Weight Paper)

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Horse Acupuncture Poster 24" X 36"

Heavy Weight Paper - $24.00 + Shipping

Horse Acupuncture Poster 24" X 36"

Laminated - $30.00 + Shipping